ARPA Task Force meets Tuesday


STATE HOUSE – The Rhode Island House of Representatives American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Task Force will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, September 21 at 4:30 p.m. in Room 35 of the State House.

“In adopting the budget in June, the General Assembly did not authorize spending of the state’s share of American Rescue Plan Act stabilization funds. We preserved the full amount for a more robust public process on the proposed uses for these funds, which are available for use over several years,” said Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi (D-Dist. 23, Warwick). “The Task Force is intended to be one of the many aspects of that process and will focus on developing a deeper understanding of the allowable uses, expected updates to federal guidance on usage, experience in other states and other relevant information that will help inform future deliberations.”

The House ARPA Task Force will assess the evolving federal guidelines and evaluate what other states are doing regarding potential projects to fund. The state of Rhode Island has received $1.1 billion in ARPA funds that will be available for use over the next several years, through the state’s fiscal year 2025.

Speaker Shekarchi appointed the following members to the House ARPA Task Force: Representatives Mia Ackerman (D-Dist. 45, Cumberland), Jean-Philippe Barros (D-Dist. 59, Pawtucket), Susan R. Donovan (D-Dist. 69, Bristol, Portsmouth), John G. Edwards (D-Dist. 70, Tiverton, Portsmouth), Alex D. Marszalkowski (D-Dist. 50, Cumberland), Carol Hagan McEntee (D-Dist 33, Narragansett, South Kingstown), George A. Nardone (R-Dist. 28, Coventry), Scott A. Slater (D-Dist. 10, Providence), Teresa A. Tanzi (D-Dist. 34, South Kingstown, Narragansett), Carlos E. Tobon (D-Dist. 58, Pawtucket), Camille F.J. Vella-Wilkinson (D-Dist. 21, Warwick) and Anastasia P. Williams (D-Dist. 9, Providence).

Representatives Marszalkowski and Tobon will serve as co-chairs.

The meeting will be televised on Capitol Television, which can be seen on Cox Channels 15, and 61, in high definition on Cox Channel 1061, on Full Channel on Channel 15 and on Channel 34 by Verizon subscribers. It will also be live streamed at