Speaker Shekarchi’s statement on Congressman Jim Langevin’s

decision to not seek reelection


Speaker K. Joseph Skekarchi issued the following statement on the announcement that Congressman Jim Langevin will not be seeking reelection:


“I met Jim Langevin nearly 40 years ago while working on former Warwick Mayor Frank Flaherty’s campaign. I’ve been proud to be Jim’s friend throughout his decades of public service, during which he has been a relentless champion for Rhode Islanders.  

“After becoming the nation’s youngest Secretary of State, he has been a proven fighter in Congress for more than two decades. Jim has been a trailblazer for Americans with disabilities, serving as a national leader on issues of disability rights and inclusion. Jim is a highly respected voice on issues of national security, particularly cybersecurity.

“Today is a day to recognize his personal achievements and accomplishments, not for future political speculation. I wish Jim all the best in his future endeavors.”