Office of Lt. Governor Dan McKee




Lt. Governor McKee Statement on Republican Tax Plan


PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Today, Lt. Governor Dan McKee issued the following statement on the Republican tax plan:


"The Senate’s attempt to pass the Republican tax plan is irresponsible and unforgivable. I continue to be opposed to this plan as I have been since day one. Shame on the elected leaders who are attempting to rush this scam through by limiting the time for bipartisan debate. It is clear that their intent is to keep Americans in the dark and hide the fact that this bill harms hardworking Rhode Island families and helps the ultra-wealthy.


The Republican’s appointed Congressional Budget Office showed that Americans who make under $75,000 a year will be worse off under this plan by 2027 while the rich benefit and the wealth gap in America widens. Nonetheless, Republicans will try to burden our true small businesses, sell out our seniors and leverage deductions given to families, homeowners and students to pad the pockets of multimillion-dollar corporations. Now more than ever, Democrats need to unite behind a bold, inclusive economic agenda that puts our low- and middle- income families first."





Media Contact: Andrea Palagi | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | (401) 222-2371



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