
On Wednesday, April 4 WIRE WRAPJEWELRY returns. This program is designed to assist a person who has had their flexibility in their hands impaired as well as anyone who would like to learn a new and fun skill;  how to make unusual and creative jewelry without the use of a torch. The program is free the cost of materials is $10 per session. There will be a session on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. If you can only make one session a month that is acceptable to the instructor but please call the Center and sign up.


On Thursday April 5 TRIAD at 11:00 a.m. Come and join  us. This group discusses different aspects of senior issues, such as scams, stopping unidentified phone calls, and other issues. The group consists of seniors, a coordinator from the Norfolk County Attorney General’s office, and clergy, and businesspeople from the community. It is a great way to learn about  what’s happening in the community and in the area. Please notify the front desk if you are able to attend. Coffee is free.


Also on the 5th  at 11:00 the BACKYARD BIRDERS have returned and will meet. Again, this program is free but please sign up at the front desk. They will be meeting each week at this time. This is a free program.


On Thursday, April 6 we will be meeting with BOARD OF SELECTMEN at 10:00 a.m. This is a perfect opportunity to let them know how you feel about the things that are happening in town, or that you need to see happen for your area.

               Sign up at the front desk to make sure you have a space to sit and say your piece.


Thursday, April 12, 9:30-5:30p.m. There is a trip planned for a BRUNCH AND BREWERY TOUR IN N.H. Please sign up no later than April 4. The cost for this wonderful day trip is $69.00 and must be paid in full at the time you sign up.


Friday, April 13 at 10:30 Gary Hylander returns with his four part series on the world changing events that occurred in 1968. He will begin with a discussion of the VIET NAM WAR. Gary brings an entirely new perspective to everything he discusses. If you haven’t attended his programs before you are in for a rare treat. Please sign up at the front desk. This is a free offering .






April 19 from 1-3 we are having our first TEA AND TALK. Bring your favorite china tea cup and saucer and we will fill it with delicious tea  along with pastries. Additionally, the Bellingham Librarians will speak to us about some of the more un-usual books that have been banned (not in Boston) and the reasons for it. This is important information as it mostly effects our children and grandchildren when they are in school. Learn what is banned and what you may be able to do about it.

Please sign up at the front desk and let the front desk person know if you will need a tea cup, we have access to some additional china cups. This is  a free program.


As an addendum, the Center offers a Tai Chi program on Fridays at 1:00. The cost is $5:00 for seniors and $10 for non-seniors. There is still room in the class. Anyone can start at any time and learn this slow exercise program that works muscle on muscle to strengthen your balance and ability to walk without pain. Sign up at the front desk.


Finally, we built a raised  bed garden last year for our community. This year we are looking for seniors who like to garden but can’t bend to do it anymore, who would like to work in the planning of this year’s garden and take care of it, AND get first pick of the crop. Call the Center and sign up.