June 1st,

2018 Edition





Message from Town Administrator

Gary Ezovski


Events like our Memorial Day Parade happen because people care and are willing to work together. Words aren’t sufficient to express my thanks to the people who made our usual small-town parade the proud American event that it should be. The Northmen band played and marched at such a level I would think only possible from a college band.  Our police and fire personnel were polished and respectful of their honor to carry and present our flags. The DPW crew that always keeps our town hall grounds looking great was on hand in timely fashion to set up the gear needed for the remembrance program and the refreshment area at the Village Haven. The Narodowy family allowed us, on short notice, to end the parade at their restaurant and Scott McGee and friends cooked and served the hot dogs that were donated by Performance Food Service. The scouts and others who marched and the fact that so many people were along the route made it a great celebration. 


Finally, yet most importantly, our Grand Marshal and the leadership of our local Veterans of Foreign Wars Post who tirelessly and vigilantly encourage everyone to keep the memory alive for those who gave all. I hope the hands over hearts and the salutes of former military personnel, as our nation’s flag passed them by, was inspiring to our VFW members as they marched. May we all never, ever forget.







Due to the rain in the forecast for Saturday,

The Annual Town-Wide Yard Sale will be postponed until Sunday, June 3rd


Sale locations to date are as follows:

863 Great Rd

215 Great Road

386 Great Road

13 Main St

79 Homestead Ave

17 Country Way

3 Country Way (rain date June 23)

8 Premisy Hill

77 N. Main St

340 N. Main St

278 Mendon Road

2 Eaton St

890 Black Plain Rd

246 Victory Highway

539 Victory Highway

295 Victory Highway

1022 Victory Highway

16 Frietas Lane

55 Greene St

8 Halliwell Dr

50 Maple Ave (rain date June 9)

34 Hillview Ave

53 Mowry Ave

30 Old Pound Hill Rd

17 Fountain St

6 Country Way


If you have any questions, please call Town Hall at 767-2200, ext. 301.




Click here for the latest Location List and Downloadable Map







Declaration for office will be available

Monday June 25, Tuesday, June 26, & Wedneday June 27

Offices available are:

Town Administrator

5 Council Members

2 School Committee Members


Anyone interested in running for political office must sign up during those three days.

Pick up papers at the Town Clerk's office, 575 Smithfield Road, North Smithfield





North Smithfield Announces Inaugural Fireworks Display


Come join us for our Inaugural Fireworks Display

When: Saturday July 14th

Where: North Smithfield High School

Time: Sunset


Bring your own lawn chairs and blankets.

If you have any questions, please call Town Hall at 767-2200 ext. 301.





North Smithfield Residents Food Pantry

Slatersville Congregational Church

25 Green Street

North Smithfield, RI 02896


The flavor of the month for June is 

Pasta Sauce!

Any donations or monetary gifts for the food pantry can be dropped off at the Slatersville Congregational Church between 9:00 am and noon. An additional drop box is available at the Town Hall during regular business hours. 





This is a courtesy notification that NGrid will be working at the 76 Greenville Rd site on Sunday, June 10, 2018.


This will be a one day event. There will be no drilling or excavation, no trucks and other heavy equipment moving around.


They will be doing work on a transmission line that can only be shut down on Sunday. They will use a bucket lift for workers to access the work area.


This activity is permitted by ordinance: Chapter 8, Art. VII, sec. 8-123 Construction (a)(1)


Sec. 8-123. Construction.

(a) Exceptions. This article shall not apply to:

(1) Emergency work or repair work performed by and for government entities or public service utilities or their agents; or

(2) Work for which an exemption has been obtained under section 8-115 or section 8-127.

(b) Restrictions. The use of domestic power tools or equipment is subject to the noise levels set forth in table I in section 8-118.

(Ord. of 8-18-08)


Please don’t hesitate to call should you have any questions.


Thank you,


Kerry Anderson

Town of North Smithfield

Building & Zoning Official

575 Smithfield Road

North Smithfield, RI 02896

401-767-2200 ext 311

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





The Town of North Smithfield has hired Northeast Revaluation Group LLC to conduct a statistical update to bring all real estate in town to fair market value effective December 31,2018 for the July 2019 tax roll. The process is mandatory according to RIGL 44-5-11.6. The law requires these statistical updates every 3 years and a full revaluation every 9 years.


Throughout the project Northeast Revaluation’s staff will be in neighborhoods throughout the town. The company will attempt to physically visit, measure and inspect properties that sold over the last 2 years, which helps in the analysis of determining fair market value. They also will be visiting any properties that have unfinished construction or have taken out building permits recently. All employees are required to carry identification and have their vehicles on file with the assessor’s office and police department. The process will last over the next several months and be completed in the spring of 2019. If there are questions or concerns contact the Assessor, Sarah Frew, 401-767-2200 ext 323 or Northeast Revaluation Group directly at 401-737-0300. Thank you for your patience throughout the process.



















Camp Phoenix

Year 13: Camelot and the Search for the Holy Grail!

An 8 week traditional summer camp running June 26th - August 17th. 


Open House: Saturday, June 9th (1pm-3pm)

behind the NS Elementary School

(Rain Date: June 10th)



Click here for the Camp Pheonix website and Registration









Attention Members of the North Smithfield High School Class of 1968!



The reunion committee has planned our 50th class reunion to be held on June 9, 2018, at the Village Haven in North Smithfield. If you are a member of that class and have not been notified, please contact one of the following committee members so that they can send you the specific details. Please include your email address, mailing address, and phone number.


Ivy Booth, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

June Couture, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Doreen Ezovski, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christine Plume, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Carol Stevenin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Senior Services, Inc. has provided services to seniors and adults with disabilities residing in Northern Rhode Island since 1975, in accordance with the Congregate Meal Program financed through a grant with R.I. Department of Elderly Affairs. Senior Services, Inc. provides nutritionally balanced lunches five days a week at our meal sites throughout Northern R.I.

Senior Services, Inc. offers activities, entertainment, computer classes, and Wellness programs, which include a weekly blood pressure clinic and exercise classes.


Senior Services, Inc. also offers an Adult Day Care Program ("A Home for the Day"), and a Community Information Specialist who can provide information on eligibility for all state and local programs, including RIPAE.

We offer activities, entertainment, computer classes, and Alzheimer's Disease Support Groups.

JUNE 2018 Senior Services Newsletter


JUNE 2018 Calendar of Events 


JUNE 2018 Menu  


Senior exercise classes at Scouter's Hall, 32 Main Street, North Smithfield include:

  • Zumba Gold Mondays at 10:00 AM
  • Chair Exercises, Mondays at 11:00 AM
  • Zumba Gold Thursdays at 10:00 AM




12th Annual 

North Smithfield 

Great Pumpkin Festival

Saturday - September 15, 2018

11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

North Smithfield High School Grounds


Vendor spots are still available. Due to overwhelming requests, vendor spots are larger this year. Get your application in quick before all the spots fill up.


The next committee meeting will be Wednesday, June 20th at 6:00 at R&R Machine Industries, Inc. 147 Industrial Drive, North Smithfield


Click Here for more information on the event and a list of the upcoming Committee Meetings.














Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by

Clicking here




Town Council Meeting

Monday, June 4th @ 6:45 pm

North Smithfield Middle School

1850 Providence Pike

North Smithfield, RI 02896


Budget Committee Meeting

Monday, June 4th @ 7:00 pm

North Smithfield Middle School

1850 Providence Pike

North Smithfield, RI 02896


Planning Board Meeting

Thursday, June 7th @ 7:00 pm

Primrose Fire Station

1470 Providence Pike

North Smithfield, RI 02896








Town of North Smithfield | One Main Street, P.O. Box 248, Slatersville, RI 02876