We are happy to announce that the Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 9th @ Rivers Edge Complex from 1:00pm – 3:00pm


We decided since last year’s set up was such a huge success and much more engaging, we would hold this event as a drive-thru once again!

The event is for children 13 years old and under and Woonsocket residents ONLY.  (we do check ID’s at the entrance)


Thank you to all the organizations and departments that help make events like these possible! 

Please feel free to share the attached flyer with all your friends, family, co-workers, clients, residents and connections. 

Word of mouth is key to helping us get the word out to all the wonderful children and families of this community!


We have also posted the flyer on our Facebook page:  Woonsocket Parks & Recreation.   I would personally appreciate if you could go on there and share it! 


Be well and see you soon!



Elizabeth Kerrigan

Parks & Recreation Superintendent