Someone You Care About

may be in crisis


Knowing Mental Health First Aid Could Help


Image of young person thinking








Mental Health First Aid Icon Logo

It is as important to know Mental Health First Aid as it is to know CPR


·     Increase your awareness of common mental disorders

·     Learn the signs and symptoms

·     Learn the 5 steps of the MHFA Action Plan

·     Receive free certification from The National Council for Mental Wellbeing.

Classes are provided by trained professionals from Community Care Alliance.


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Sign up yourself or your team!


Full training in 2, four hour sessions. Call 401-808-4871 to answer your questions.


Everyone should know

Mental Health First Aid

Who should take this class?


First responders

Faith leaders

College personnel


Organizations serving elders

Any member of the community


*Note that this is a basic-level training designed for people that are not in the mental health field or have a clinical background. 



Get FREE Certification

in Mental Health First Aid


You never know when someone in emotional crisis may cross your path. 





37% of communities did not have enough mental health providers to serve residents in 2021, according to federal guidelines. 


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention





Suicide is the 14th leading cause of death in RI. The 3rd leading cause for 10 - 24 year olds and the 2nd leading cause of death for 25 - 34 year olds.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention





In 2021, 37% of adults in RI reported symptoms of Anxiety and/or Depressive Disorder.




Kaiser Family Foundation