Sen. Ujifusa: great opportunities for
young AAPI leaders


STATE HOUSE – Sen. Linda Ujifusa (D-Dist. 11, Portsmouth, Bristol) is encouraging young leaders in the Asian American Pacific Islander community to consider applying for three leadership opportunities offered through the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS).

“These are great opportunities for our future leaders,” Senator Ujifusa said. “Our democracy benefits when people from all walks of life are involved in the process, and I hope young AAPI Rhode Islanders will consider serving the public through one of these programs.”

APAICS is a national non-partisan, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander participation and representation at all levels of the political process, from community service to elected office.

They offer three distinct programs for young people:

  • The Youth Leadership Academy is a program for high schoolers that brings students to Washington, D.C. for five days to learn about American history, public service and the U.S. government, all through the lens of the AAPI community. Families that make under $70,000 are automatically considered for a scholarship. 
  • Congressional Internships are held in the summer and fall. APAICS congressional interns are placed in host offices in the U.S. House, Senate and executive branch and gain first-hand experience in constituent service, the legislative process and the federal government. Interns receive a monthly stipend, housing in Washington, D.C. and roundtrip airfare/transportation.
  • The Congressional Fellowship is a nine month program for recent graduates and young professionals starting in September and going through May. Fellows tend to support their host office’s legislative and/or communications teams and leave the fellowship fully prepared to take on a full-time staff position in a Congressional Office. 


More information on all of these programs can be found at