PROVIDENCE, RI – Governor Dan McKee and Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Commissioner Angélica Infante-Green today announced the application period for latest round of Learn365RI grants, another $3.8 million investment to foster new or expanded initiatives that promote learning beyond the formal school day and beyond the traditional 180-day school year.
“We know that Rhode Island students need more educational opportunities to overcome the impact of the pandemic and compete with our neighboring states,” said Governor McKee. “The Learn365RI grants support local efforts outside of traditional classroom time and to tailor their strategies to community needs.”
RIDE will award funding to municipalities on two levels:
· Standard Grants of $40,000 for applications that demonstrate effective plans and use of funds at a baseline level of service. All proposals that meet a minimum quality standard will receive funding.
· Expanded Grants of up to $400,000 for applications that demonstrate comprehensive plans and use of funds, provide more intensive services to students and families, and/or demonstrate a higher level of impact on the key learning metrics should consider an Expanded Grant. These are competitive grants and only chosen municipalities will receive awards.
Municipalities are encouraged to partner with local education agencies and/or community-based organizations. The application deadline is Friday, May 3rd at 4:00 p.m.
“We know that extended learning opportunities beyond school are crucial in our work to accelerate learning and improve academic outcomes statewide,” said Commissioner Infante-Green. “We encourage communities to apply for these grants and further support our students.”
The grant program is part of the Governor’s Learn365RI initiative to improve student learning outcomes and increase three key metrics:
· Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) mathematics and English Language Arts scores
· School attendance rates
· Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) completion rates