Attorney General Neronha issues statement on First Circuit Decision on truck tolls 


PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Attorney General Peter F. Neronha today issued a statement following the decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit allowing for the resumption of RhodeWorks truck tolls in Rhode Island.

“In 2016, the General Assembly and Governor Raimondo made the decision that tolling trucks is in the best interest of all Rhode Islanders and a necessary revenue source to support repairs and upkeep of the state’s transportation system. 


We have now successfully defended the legality and constitutionality of that decision.   


Today, the First Circuit has held that, with the exception of caps on tolls, RhodeWorks is constitutional. We have been confident that this will be the eventual outcome, and we are grateful for the First Circuit’s well-reasoned decision in this case.”