Department of Public Works
Woonsocket Rhode Island


‘Tis the Season to talk about Trash Collections, Delays and Trees!

Just a friendly reminder that there WILL BE NORMAL trash collection on both Christmas EVE and New Years EVE. Please be sure to put out your carts by no later than 6am every morning but especially on these days.

There will be a One-Day delay for Christmas Day and New Years Day!
If the warmer weather has you cleaning up your yard of late fallen leaves or you missed the last curbside pickup back in November, there is a special YARD WASTE ONLY dumpster located at the Recycle Facility at 943 River Street, available to all city residents until January 18th or the first major snowfall, whichever comes first.

Christmas Tree Collection will start January 2nd – January 15th on your trash day. Please be sure to have no lights or ornaments on your trees and to not block any walkways. Real trees may also be brought to the recycling facility until the 18th. Artificial Trees with the metal cores may be brought to the recycling facility and placed for special metal recycling any time of year.

For more information on best recycling practices please visit and follow
Woonsocket Recycles on Facebook