In these days of social distancing and social unrest, public art has made a resurgence. During these trying times many have tapped their creativity, and what better and more positive way to address the issues we face today then through public art.


Right here in the Blackstone Valley Riverzedge Arts, since 2002, has been at the forefront in public art in Woonsocket as a means of engaging and empowering our youth to make their voices heard. 


In keeping with the theme of the socially distancing drive-in concept, the youth artists of Riverzedge Arts present “Everything Equal,” a large-scale, outdoor drive-through installation of artwork expressing what social justice and equity mean to them in their community of Woonsocket. The exhibition will run from August 21 to September 7, 2020 and will be available for viewing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the Riverzedge Arts’ historic 196 Second Avenue location.


What’s cool about the “Everything Equal” exhibit is that it came about through a hybrid of virtual and in-person meetings and will feature pieces entirely designed and fabricated by the students. Some of the pieces such as a painted wooden cube references the plywood used to board up main streets and downtown areas during the Black Lives Matter protests; while a large scale paper mache face mask signals the omnipresence of Covid-19. Read More.


Speaking of masks, Riverzedge Arts also has partnered with Frog and Toad to sell some pretty neat t-shirts conveying the message to “Wear Your Damn Mask.”