Town of North Smithfield

March 18, 2022




North Smithfield residents and business owners should have received a revaluation letter stating their new assessment. A statistical revaluation is done every three years to determine current market values. A full revaluation is done every ninth year. The Town of North Smithfield had a full revaluation as of 12/31/2021. North Smithfield residents and business owners will see an average of 17% increase in value. Some will be higher than the average and some will be lower.

Municipality are not allowed to increase revenue based on a revaluation. Therefore, the rates are lowered in relation to the increase in values. The Rhode Island real estate market is experiencing large increases. Any changes in the value have no effect on the tax rate. The tax rate is determined by the budget. 

Do not apply current tax rates to the new assessment.



Slatersville Congregational Church, 25 Green Street, North Smithfield, will be holding a Prayer Service for the citizens of Ukraine on Tuesday, March 22nd at 7:00 PM. A former resident will be speaking about the Ukrainian situation from a personal perspective. The public is invited to attend.


The form can be found here.









All dogs within the town must be licensed by April 30, 2022 to avoid a late fee. The cost is $6.00 per dog and proof of rabies immunization is required. 


For your convenience and safety, we are continuing to use our online dog license program. We encourage you to apply for dog licenses online.


You can also renew online at:

(Credit Card optional)


If you are unable to access this program, we strongly suggest that you mail us a new or updated rabies certificate along with a check for $6.00. In return, our office will send your original rabies certificate back to you with your license to the mailing address provided.


If none of the options above work for you, licenses are available at the Town Clerk’s office located at

83 Greene Street


Monday through Wednesday from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

Thursday from 8:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.


North Smithfield Food Pantry



March Food Pantry pick-up dates;


Tuesdays, March 22nd and 29th @ 5:30pm


Saturdays, March 19th and 26th @ 10:00am



The Food Pantry is for North Smithfield residents.

You must have a photo ID and a bill that confirms your North Smithfield address. You can attend the Food Pantry all four times it is open per month.

The Pantry is located at the Slatersville Congregational Church

UCC on the Common.

Due to the pandemic, the food is distributed through a drive through at the church. Please stay in your car and line up on Green Street and you will be welcomed and instructed. We are also asking clients to please return to mask wearing.


Questions? Call 401-678-0356


For the month of March we are asking for donations of canned fruit, dry pasta and soup.




Alzheimer's, Dementia and Memory Care Information

Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists North Smithfield families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through the link below you can search helpful tools and a database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families in need of care for their loved ones can locate licensed care homes and communities in the North Smithfield area that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones.

Alzheimer's Support



Are you interested in what the Blackstone Valley Prevention Coalition has to offer? Click on the button below to be redirected to their website.

Visit our website




Agendas can be found on the Secretary of State Website by



Town Council Meeting

83 Greene Street

Monday, March 21, 2022 @ 6:45pm



Municipal Building Review Task Force

575 Smithfield Road

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 @ 5:30pm



Zoning Board Meeting

83 Greene Street

Tuesday, March 22, 2022



Live Streaming Open Meetings




A. Livestreaming for Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board and Planning Board: The Town will provide livestreaming for the open meetings of the Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board of Review, and Planning Board whenever feasible via YouTube, Zoom, or some other technology. If technical difficulties occur during the livestream of an open meeting, the open meeting will continue to proceed as scheduled without livestreaming. (Livestreaming increases public access to public meetings in addition to the right of the public to attend open meetings in person.)

B. Public must be physically present to participate. Members of the public, applicants, petitioners, expert s, etc. who want to participate in an open meeting in any fashion must be physically present at the meeting. Members of the public, applicants, petitioners, experts, etc. will not be allowed to participate in an open meeting remotely by offering comment, testimony, or other remarks. through virtual means.

C. No other Board, Commission, or Committee will be livestreamed: Except as specified above, the Town will not provide livestreaming for any other Board, Commission or Committee.

D. Technical Difficulties: If technical difficulties occur during any livestream, the open meeting will continue to proceed as scheduled.

E. Meetings of the Town Council, Halliwell Review Committee, Zoning Board and Planning Board will be livestreamed on the Town' s YouTube page, North Smithfield Town Meetings. https:/ / channel l/ UCFgwSKxL950ZgZ DKz8B-MQ


Archived Meetings




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