Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt Announces Public Workshop for Woonsocket's Comprehensive Plan Update

WOONSOCKET Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt announces the first public workshop for the update to the City’s comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is a long-term vision that will serve as the City’s official guide for land use and development over the next twenty years.

The event will take place at the Woonsocket Harris Public Library at 303 Clinton Street on Thursday, March 24. Doors will open at 5:45pm and there will be a brief presentation promptly at 6:00pm. This will be followed by small group discussions to hear from people in Woonsocket about the things they most love about the City and the things they think should change in the future. Attendees are welcome to review materials and have informal conversations with City staff and the project consultant team from 7:00 7:45pm. Children are welcome. There will be a coloring and craft table to keep them occupied.

For anyone unable to attend in person, the same materials and discussion questions/surveys will be available on the project website starting Friday, March 25:

"Woonsocket is unique and full of diverse people and stories, each of which contribute to the City's character and culture. I am excited to hear what the people of Woonsocket have to say, as we strive to develop a shared path forward and achieve a common vision for the future," said the Mayor.

The plan will both identify the City's overarching goals and guide how the City accomplishes them. It will be a tool that helps City leaders, staff, boards, and committees to make decisions regarding:

  • • How to promote new development that improves quality of life for everyone.
  • • How to better support local business development, increase job opportunities, and maintain reasonable tax rates.
  • • How the City can protect environmentally sensitive areas and historic sites.
  • • How to prioritize future investments in community services and infrastructure.

"The comprehensive plan update is an important opportunity for all residents in Woonsocket to have a say in their City’s future," said Kevin Proft, City Planner. "With this plan, the City will capitalize on our unique characteristics and assets and assist in prioritizing projects that bring our collective vision to life." 

Because the comprehensive plan is written by the community, the City is using a variety of tools to reach Woonsocket residents, business owners, and others with a stake in the City's future to hear their input and ideas. Everyone is encouraged to visit the project website: This is where people can find information about the planning process, including upcoming events and other involvement opportunities. The public can also register on the website to receive e-mail updates throughout the planning process. Everyone is also encouraged to take the kick-off survey online at or by reaching out to the City Planner at 401-767-1418 for a hard copy. The kick-off survey will remain active through the month of April.

"Many of our residents grew up in Woonsocket and worry their children won't stay for a variety of reasons. This plan gives us the chance to have meaningful conversations about our community, tackle hard issues, and develop solutions that will ensure Woonsocket remains an attractive place to put down roots," said the Mayor.