Woonsocket Historical Society Announces a Series of Upcoming Walking Tours of Main Street
The Woonsocket Historical Society is pleased to announce a series of upcoming walking tours of the Main Street area. Bob Bellerose, local historian, will conduct the first tour on Saturday, September 17 at 10:00 am. Subsequent tours will be held on October 15 and November 19 at 10:00 am.
The tour will meet at the front of the Museum of Work & Culture. Bob will walk you to the Woonsocket Falls, pointing out the trench system that brought water to the mills on Main Street, continue along Main Street highlighting the different buildings and architecture. The tour continues on the Court Street Bridge, parts of Front and Bernon Streets before ending at the Woonsocket Historical Society. The historical society is located behind the Museum of Work & Culture.
The tour should last 1 ½ hours. Please wear comfortable shoes.
This is a free tour.
Please join us in what will be an informative tour.
Please call 595-3062 with inquiries.